November / December
Last class before we break 2 weeks for Christmas is Zumba Toning on Monday 19th December 2022.
August / September / October
Classes are Oakgrove Secondary School are sadly ending on 31st October 2022, due to a 25% increase in hall rental prices and the struggle to gain extra participants to cover that extra cost and make it a financially viable venue.
All classes pay as you go, or check out the monthly memberships here
ALL of the pay monthly memberships for my real life community classes have been upgraded from August 1st 2022 -
they all include the online classes for FREE!!!
Bank Holiday Monday 19th Sept. 2022 :
Cancelled : ZUMBA 7.30pm, Oakgrove School
Running : Zumba Toning 6pm, Newport Pagnell Youth Club
August 2022
ALL of the pay monthly memberships for my real life community classes have been upgraded from August 1st 2022 -
they all include the online classes for FREE!!!
In addition, those of you that had a 2 venue membership, will be upgraded to a 3 venue membership!!!
All of this at no extra cost to yourselves.
Check out the monthly memberships here.
Community classes running, continuing throughout the school summer holidays, apart from...
Classes NOT running on :
Wednesday 17th August - Lovat Hall
Monday Bank Holiday 29th August - Youth Club & Oakgrove School
July 2022
ALL classes running again from 18th July, continuing throughout the school holidays.
CANCELLED : classes on Monday 11th July 2022, due to instructor illness
RUNNING: Wednesday 13th July with cover instructor, 45 minutes
May/June 2022
All Community Classes : running throughout the school half term :Monday 6.00pm RUNNING (55-60 minutes) - ZUMBA toning, Youth Club, Newport Pagnell, MK16 8HX
Monday 7.30pm RUNNING (45-50 minutes) - ZUMBA, Oakgrove Secondary School, Milton Keynes, MK10 9JQ
Wednesday 6.45pm RUNNING (55-60 minutes) - ZUMBA, Lovat Hall, Newport Pagnell, MK16 0EJ Gym classes that are not running over the Queen's Jubilee Bank Holidays (Thursday June 2nd & Friday June 3rd) :
Zumba @ Wolverton - not running
Zumba, Zumba Gold & Zumba Toning @ Stantonbury - not running
Toning Sticks Restocked
21st May 2022 : The green toning sticks (1lb) have been restocked and are available to buy from me in classes. If you are an online class participant not local to me I can post them out to you for an additional cost.
May 2022

*TIME CHANGE* for Monday classes :
Monday 6.00pm (55-60 minutes) - ZUMBA toning, Youth Club, Newport Pagnell, MK16 8HX
Monday 7.30pm (45-50 minutes) - ZUMBA, Oakgrove Secondary School, Milton Keynes, MK10 9JQ
No classes running on Bank Holiday Monday - 2nd May.
April 2022
The following classes are not running over the Easter weekend :
Good Friday :
Zumba @ Wolverton - not running
Zumba Toning @ Stantonbury - not running
Bank Holiday Monday :
Zumba toning @ Newport Pagnell Youth Club - not running
Zumba @ Oakgrove Secondary School - not running
*TIME CHANGE* for Monday classes :
Monday 6.00pm (55-60 minutes) - ZUMBA toning, Youth Club, Newport Pagnell, MK16 8HX
Monday 7.30pm (45-50 minutes) - ZUMBA, Oakgrove Secondary School, Milton Keynes, MK10 9JQ
January 2022
All real life classes restart on/from Tuesday 4th January 2022.Community Classes :
Lovat Hall, Wednesdays 6.45 pm : classes resume on 5th January
Newport Pagnell Youth Club, Mondays 6.15pm : classes resume on 10th January
Oakgrove Secondary School (dining hall at the back), Mondays 8pm : classes resume on 10th January
December 2021/January 2022
Community Class dates :
Oakgrove Sec. School, Monday 8pm, ZUMBA - last class 13th Dec 2021, restart 10th Jan 2022
Newport Pagnell Youth Club, Monday 6.15 pm, ZUMBA toning - last class 20th Dec 2021, restart 10th Jan 2022
Lovat Hall, Wednesday 6.45 pm, ZUMBA - last class 15th Dec 2021, restart 5th Jan 2022
Gym Classes :
I'm doing 2 gym classes between Christmas and New Year :
Thursday 30th December, 6.15 - 7pm, Wolverton Pool
Friday 31st December - NEW YEAR's EVE, 1pm - 1.45 pm, Wolverton Pool
(pay as you go available, please contact the gym directly)
October 2021
Optional monthly memberships are being reintroduced in October (you can still pay per session if you prefer). Monthly membership means discounted rates and no advanced booking/cancellations, just turn up and tick the register :) Just like the good old days :) There are now no cancellation penalties when you book the class in advance and *cancel online* any time *before the class starts*. I understand sometimes you just can't make a class, it may be due to work or you feel a little meh! - just make sure you cancel online before the class starts and you will get your credit returned. If you pay for classes electronically (bank transfer/ paypal) by buying class credits and aren't a monthly community class member, please continue to book classes online - or alternatively turn up and pay cash when you come if you find that easier :)
August 2021 :
Monday 30th August - Bank Holiday - NO classes are running.
Wednesday 25th August - CHANGE OF VENUE - Lovat Hall is unavailable at short notice, so we are at Newport Pagnell Youth Club for 18:45 instead.
May - July 2021 :
Indoor Classes
Indoor classes are currently running. You can BOOK my community classes online and BUY CLASS CREDITS now.Covid-19 update for my community classes (19th July 2021) :
There will be little change to the restrictions I currently have in place. Fans will be trialled at open doorways to bring in more fresh air and I will ask for your feedback after class. I am now dropping the QR codes, as they were rarely used,
but you still need to let me know if you test positive for Covid-19 and have attended a community class within the last 2 weeks.
My current maximum community class size restrictions will remain as they are for now, as feedback from people in the last couple of weeks, shows that the majority of you still want to have a fair amount of space
around you in class. Before, during and after class, I therefore ask people to be mindful that although social distancing regulations will no longer be in force within the UK, some people (including me)
would prefer it if you could still keep a little distance, so please continue to do so.
I'm remaining on the cautious side and will continue to keep myself updated with the situation, current stats and advice from the sports bodies and will continue to use my own cautious common sense.
I want to make sure each and every one of you continues to feel comfortable within my community classes, which allow us to concentrate on all of the healthy benefits of exercising in a fun way, without the worry.
Thank you for your support!
January - mid May 2021 :
Classes continue online in 2021. Unfortunately real life classes are unable to run until further notice, but will resume when it is safe to do so. Under current restrictions, adult indoor exercise classes are expected to resume as part of the UK Stage 3 lockdown exit plan, which is expected to commence on Monday 17th May 2021 (please be aware dates and restrictions may change).January 2021 :
Classes continue online as we enter 2021. Unfortunately real life classes are unable to run until further notice, but will resume when it is safe to do so. Under current restrictions, indoor exercise classes can only take place in UK Tiers 1 & 2. Please check the UK Government website or the local news to check which tier we are currently in.
Online there are 6 classes a day to choose from :
SIX classes daily : 2 x ZUMBA dance fitness, 2 x ZUMBA low impact gold and 2 x ZUMBA toning (using light hand weights).Classes are available to view/stream each day (available for 24 hours).
£10 per month for unlimited access : ONLINE CLASSES
December 2020 :
UPDATE - From 19th December 2020 : real life classes are no longer running until further notice. Milton Keynes and Newport Pagnell enter Tier 3 on the 19th, closely followed by Tier 4 on the 20th of December. Currently indoor exercise classes can only take place in Tiers 1 & 2. They will resume once we are able.Classes are still running online and there are 6 classes a day to choose from during December :
Online ZUMBA classes
SIX classes daily : 2 x ZUMBA dance fitness, 2 x ZUMBA low impact gold and 2 x ZUMBA toning (using light hand weights).Classes are available to view/stream each day (available for 24 hours).
£10 per month for unlimited access : ONLINE CLASSES
News update 1st December : The Sports Bodies have now had more information and clarification from the Government regarding Indoor Exercise Classes in the UK (from December 2nd) and have just published them (on November 30th). It was still as clear as mud - but thankfully then got clarified even further.
So, in Tier 1 & 2 - we can basically have multiple groups of the 'rule of 6' in the same class. Given that most people attend a class as an individual and not in a household bubble, we can just classify each individual as a separate bubble/'rule of 6' and have lots of individuals ('rule of 6') in the same room. Got it ??? In other words, we basically need to adhere to all of the Covid-19 precautions and rules that we were following before (in late July - early Nov.) and can continue as we were.
I cancelled all my hall hires for December, but have now gone back to the hall hirers to see if they are still available.
Gym classes : Stantonbury - running as normal. Wolverton - running as normal, with Friday class time change to noon. Middleton Pool - Zumba classes restart in January (most other classes there are still running in December).
ALL classes will be back on 4th January 2021 onwards (assuming we're not in Tier 3 and that the rules haven't changed).
Hope that makes all makes sense! - any questions just ask!
November 2020 :
News update 24th November : Following on from the Government announcement on 23rd November - England exits Lockdown 2 and enters a 3 tiered regional system on Wednesday December 2nd 2020. This is expected to last until the end of March 2021. Regardless of which tier we are placed into locally, my Community Classes are unable to recommence as I am restricted to teaching only 5 people (in tier 1 and 2, and none in tier 3) and this is just not financially viable. The gyms will need to make some tough decisions and I will update you when I hear from them.
July - October 2020 :
REAL LIFE CLASSES are back! AND the online journey continues, with access to classes all day, every day. Some of my real life classes started back up again on July 30th 2020, others will start in September. There have been a few timetable changes, so please check it out.
Check out both timetables :
online classes (available 24 hours a day)
July 2020 :
(updated 19/07/2020 22:30)
Online classes :
Online classes will continue until the end of the year (2020).Community Classes :
Oakgrove School, MK - should resume beginning of August (need to submit more paperwork and get confirmation)Lovat hall, NP - aiming to resume at some point in September (will receive an update in August)
Youth Club, NP - unable to resume until current restrictions eased* - BUT have a cunning plan and hope to resume in September
Green Park (Gold) - unable to resume until current restrictions eased*
* hall size and space per person requirements, with current restrictions placed from 25th July, do not allow enough people to attend to make it financially viable (or fun!)
Gyms :
Wolverton Pool & Fitness Centre - reopens July 27th. ZUMBA fitness restarts usual time 6-6.45 pm Thursdays. I'm also covering maternity leave for Bekki (until further notice) on Fridays 12.15 - 1pm. You will need to book in advance.
Middleton Pool & Fitness Centre -
reopens August 3rd. ZUMBA fitness restarts on Tuesday Aug 4th at the slightly later time of 7.15 - 8 pm. ZUMBA Gold restarts on Friday Aug 7th 10-10.45 am. You will need to book in advance via their app or reception as numbers will be restricted. Please remember to keep your distance from other participants and don't forget your water.
GYM MK (Stantonbury Leisure Centre) - reopens 27th July, they have been in contact and are currently looking at the timetable.
Freedom Fitness - waiting for an update.
(Posted 12th July)
25th July 2020: : Gyms are allowed to reopen from the 25th July in the UK, but there are a myriad of restrictions for indoor group exercise classes, which include classes in the community. Class sizes will be restricted, so there is 1 person per 16 metres squared (including me), we can't use fans or recirculating aircon, music can't be loud - as shouting is banned. I can of course mic. up for new tracks and use my usual signalling for moves. The biggest issue is whether the number of participants allowed is financially feasible for each community venue and that is what I am working on at the moment - I'm waiting for hall hirers to confirm hall dimensions and whether they are willing to let us recommence our hall hire. Meanwhile - the online classes continue!
Out of the 4 gyms I work at, Wolverton Gym, have confirmed that classes will resume from the 27th July, as they have a massive studio - I am waiting to hear from the other 3 - I will update you as I get news.
April - July 2020 :
My ZUMBA fitness & ZUMBA GOLD classes are running online. I've had great feedback so far, so if you want to join in the fun, please check out the online timetable or contact me directly for more information. They will continue to run online, whilst we are unable to run the classes in the the real world (UK Covid-19 regulations).
April 2020 :
All classes are now running online until further notice.
March 2020 :
Updated March 21st....
ALL Zumba classes in the real world are cancelled as of today until further notice, due to the Government decision to close all gyms at end of play March 20th. I am entering into the digital world and will be issuing usernames and passwords to people very shortly, starting with my Pay Monthly Community members (I will then roll it out to others - I just have much to sort out as you can imagine). I'm just currently struggling with video formats, but am on the case! Take care you lot - you will see me digitally very soon x
Updated March 18th ...only 3 classes cancelled so far, 8 are still running. ALL gym classes are continuing at the moment, I will inform you here if any are cancelled, otherwise just assume they are going ahead. My corporate class and some of my community classes are now cancelled due to the venues themselves cancelling.
Monday - NP Youth Club 6.15 pm - Zumba fitness - *ON*
Monday - Oakgrove School 8pm - !!CANCELLED!! until further notice (cancelled by the school)
Tuesday - Mercedes-Benz corporate class 5.30pm - !!CANCELLED!! until further notice (cancelled by Mercedes-Benz)
Tuesday - Middleton Pool 7pm - Zumba fitness - *ON*
Wednesday - Green Park Community Centre 11.15am - Zumba Gold - *ON* - last class 25/03/2020 until further notice
Wednesday - Lovat Hall 6.45pm - Zumba fitness - !!CANCELLED!! until further notice (Church shut, apart from blood donations)
Thursday - Stantonbury Leisure Centre 10.30am- Zumba Gold - *ON*
Thursday - Wolverton Pool and Fitness Centre 6pm - Zumba fitness - *ON*
Friday - Middleton Pool 10am - Zumba Gold - *ON*
Friday - Stantonbury Leisure Centre 6pm - Zumba fitness - *ON*
Saturday - Freedom Fitness 10am - Zumba fitness - *ON*
I am busy setting up a home studio and will be offering my community class members my classes online. Watch this space. I just need to change the background, as my hair blends in with the wall behind and I look like I have no hair.
If you are an Unlimited Monthly Member or PAYG participant of my community classes and intend to drop out of the Youth Club classes, please let me know as soon as you can as I need to keep an eye on numbers and possibly cancel the hall hire. The town council want me to give them 2-4 weeks notice, which is obviously really difficult to do at this moment in time, so I am trying to renegotiate terms with them.
Stay fit and well people. Maddi x
I'm keeping up with official guidelines on a daily basis regarding Covid-19 and also receiving updates from the hall hirers and gyms, as well as keeping myself aware of the ongoing situation. Changes we need to adhere to :
* I will call out a register from now on, so you don't need to sign in .
* You are advised to not touch your face with your hands - so if you want to bring a little towel to wipe sweat away from your face, that's fine.
* If you pay as you go, you may wish to bring the correct change and throw it at me.
* If you have a persistent cough, high temperature or feel unwell, then please don't come to class.
* If you need to cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with a tissue (then go and bin it and wash your hands) or cough/sneeze into the inside of your elbow.
* Keep a slight distance from others.
If you have a concern, then please contact me, otherwise see you in class.
January 2020 :
Thursday January 2nd 2020 - All classes are back up and running as per normal. Check out the >>> FULL TIMETABLE <<<.
NEW ZUMBA fitness, Mondays 8-9pm, Oakgrove School
Where : Oakgrove School (dining hall), Middleton, Milton Keynes, MK10 9JQ.
When : Mondays 8-9 pm * NEW CLASS * started on Monday January 6th 2020.
Directions : On the corner of V10 / H7. Entrance to carpark is off the V10. As you walk away from the carpark, towards the school, go through the gates on the LEFT at the end of the zebra crossing (away from reception), the building is through the gates and on your left.
Pay as You Go for £6.00, or included in my monthly membership for community classes at £14.99 per month.
ZUMBA gold - the easier option
Wednesdays, 11.14 am, Green Park Community Centre, Newport PagnellIf the ZUMBA fitness classes are a little too crazy for you and you want something a little slower and easier, then the ZUMBA gold classes are a good choice. The moves are softer on the body joints and the choreography is a little easier to learn. Most of the music is different, woth different moves to match. Some people enjoy coming to both the ZUMBA fitness and the ZUMBA gold classes for the variety (see flyer below for my ZUMBA gold community class).
Not Another Christmas Do -2019
Saturday November 30th, 6.30pm Rose & Crown, Newport Pagnell :
July/August /September 2019 :
Monday September 9th : Mondays are now back at Newport Pagnell Youth Club.
Wednesday August 14th, 7pm : Meal at The Red House, Newport Pagnell. Please contact me ASAP if you would like to come, so I can add you to our table. Table booked for 7pm.
Please note that due to refurbishment works at the Youth Club over the Summer, we will be relocating to Lovat Hall in Silver Street for a few Mondays. Please also note the Monday & Wednesday dates that Lovat Hall is not available. ALL other Wednesday classes run as normal, including Zumba Gold.
Monday 22nd July, 6.15 pm – relocated to LOVAT HALL
Monday 29th July, 6.15 pm – relocated to LOVAT HALL
Monday 5th August, 6.15 pm – relocated to LOVAT HALL
Monday 12th August, –NO CLASS (Lovat Hall not available)
WEDNESDAY 14th August – NO CLASS (Lovat Hall annual event) - * MEAL OUT *
Monday 19th August, 6.15 pm – relocated to LOVAT HALL
Monday 26th August, 6.15 pm –Bank Holiday – NO CLASS
Monday 2nd September, 6.15 pm –relocated to LOVAT HALL
Monday 9th September, 6.15pm - back at Newport Pagnell Youth Club
May 2019 :
Bank Holidays, May 6th and 29th - NO CLASSES ON BANK HOLIDAY MONDAYS - classes don't run on Bank Holidays at the Youth Club.
April 2019 :
Thursday April 25th : Salsa Evening

Come along to our informal Salsa Evening and dance to Salsa music or simply enjoy the music and atmosphere, relax and chat. Located upstairs in Murati's, Newport Pagnell, doors open at 7.30 pm and our DJ's make sure the music flows until 10.30 pm.
Basic tuition in solo Salsa steps will be given between 8-8.30 pm.
Tickets : early bird (purchase before April 21st) £5, standard £6.
Tickets available from Murati's (Newport Pagnell & Wolverton), Sarah 'Hugs' Davey & Zumba Maddi.
An evening of Salsa was originally dreamt up by my crazy friend Sarah 'Hugs' and together we brought it to life.
Easter Holidays :
Classes continue to run throughout the school holidays apart from those below :
Good Friday -19th April | running at 10.30am |
10.30-11.15 am, Middleton Pool and Fitness Centre, Zumba gold |
NOT running |
6-7 pm, GYM MK, Stantonbury Leisure Centre, Zumba fitness
Easter Saturday - Easter Monday |
NO classes
Tuesday 23rd April onwards |
Classes running as normal, check out the Zumba Classes page.
March 2019 :
Thank you to everyone that came to Dance the Distance, sponsored me, donated money and made cakes. The event made over £700 plus gift aid for Comic Relief.
15th March : Dance the Distance for Comic Relief : Red Nose Day - with Maddi & Jane 
Dance your way to 5K for Comic Relief, at Middleton Pool & Fitness Centre in Newport Pagnell, 10am. Entry costs £12 and you can buy your ticket at Middleton Pool & Fitness Centre reception; in person or by telephone on 01908-610477.
If you can't attend, you can support us and donate to Comic Relief with cash in classes or online, on the Places for People fundraising page :
https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/PlacesLeisureDancetheDistance (please mention Middleton Pool or Maddi / Jane). Alternatively, if you can donate a cake, please let us know!
Dance the Distance – more fun than a run! : created by EMD UK and delivered by Dance the Distance licenced instructors Zumba Maddi and Jane. The dancing comprises of simple moves to pop music (old classics) for about an hour. We will have water breaks every few tracks, so will finish before 11.30am. Tea, coffee, squash and water will be supplied free of charge afterwards. Slices of cake and fruit bowls available for a small donation.
Please wear trainers and clothing that lets you move freely - you can dress up, wear red or add accessories. Don't forget your water bottle and a small donation for a cake slice or fruit bowl if you would like some.
Please note that this one-off event replaces the weekly Zumba Gold class at Middleton Pool on March 15th, classes will resume again as normal the following week. Thank you!
February 2019 :
Classes are running throughout the school half-term holidays.
Christmas / New Year break :
1st - 18th Dec 2018 | All classes running as normal | |
19th Dec Wed | NOT running |
11.15-12.00, Zumba gold, Green Park Community Centre |
running |
6.45-7.45 pm, Zumba fitness, Lovat Hall, NPBC, Newport Pagnell |
20th Dec Thurs | running |
10.30-11.15 am, Zumba gold, GYM MK, Stantonbury Leisure Centre |
running |
6-6.45 pm, Zumba fitness, Wolverton Swimming & Fitness Centre |
21st Dec Fri | running |
10.30-11.15 am, Zumba gold, Middleton Pool and Fitness Centre |
running |
6-7 pm, Zumba fitness, GYM MK, Stantonbury Leisure Centre |
22nd Dec to 26th Dec | NO classes |
27th Dec Thurs | NOT running |
10.30-11.15 am, Zumba gold, GYM MK, Stantonbury Leisure Centre |
running |
6-6.45 pm, Zumba fitness, Wolverton Swimming & Fitness Centre |
28th Dec 2018 to 2nd Jan 2019 Wed | NO classes |
Thurs 3rd January 2019 onwards | Classes running as normal, check out the Zumba Classes page. |
December 2018 :
Saturday 1st December - Not Another Christmas Do! : Meal at 7pm, £2 secret santa, followed by Disco & Karaoke. Meal is chilli (meat or vegetarian with rice, chips or both) for £7 payable in advance, slices of cake available to purchase on the night. Please make your payment in class (or contact me to transfer the money). I need to know your meal option (meat/vegetarian, rice/chips/both) and have payment by midnight 23rd November.
October 2018 :
Saturday 20th October : 7pm meal at TGI Fridays, afterwards pop over to the Slug and Lettuce for their general disco and 241 cocktails ALL night. Both venues are opposite each other in the Theatre District Milton Keynes. If you wish to come for the meal, I require a £10 non-refundable deposit from you ASAP,so I can book and secure your seat. If you just want to meet us after the meal in the Slug and Lettuce, you are welcome to do so.
September 2018 :
Saturday 15th September - It was the disorganised unofficial do - the Paella Fiesta, Harben House, Newport Pagnell. Advertised by word of mouth in classes, 20 of us turned up and had a fantastic evening out. Over half of us then continued to party at Murati's for more drinks and more dancing until the early hours.
August 2018 :
TIME CHANGE - Tuesdays - Middleton Pool & Fitness Centre, Zumba Fitness is now running at the slightly later time of 7-8pm.
Wednesday 15th August : Zumba GOLD, Green Park, 11.15 am- NOT RUNNING
: Zumba Fitness, Lovat Hall, 6.45 pm - NOT RUNNING - due to the hall being used for an annual event*
Thursday 16th August : Zumba GOLD, GYM MK, Stantonbury Leisure Centre - 11-11.45 am RUNNING (ONE OFF TIME CHANGE)
: Zumba Fitness, Wolverton Swimming & Fitness Centre, 6pm - RUNNING
Bank Holiday, Monday 27th August : Zumba Fitness, Newport Pagnell Youth Club, 6.15 pm - NOT RUNNING - classes don't run at the Youth Club on Bank Holidays.
* We normally go out for a drink or a meal when Lovat Hall is unavailable for 1 class in August, but this year we're going to meet up in September.
July 2018 :
Thursday 18th July : Zumba Fitness, Wolverton Swimming & Fitness Centre, CANCELLED - centre closed until Friday 19th due to faulty fire alarm.
Thursday 26th July : Zumba Gold, GYM MK (Stantonbury Leisure Centre), CANCELLED - I've got a hospital appointment and unfortunately my cover has cancelled. I'm unable to find anyone else to take the class.
May 2018 :
Bank Holiday Monday, 7th May : Zumba Fitness, Newport Pagnell Youth Club, 6.15 pm - NOT RUNNING - classes don't run at the Youth Club on Bank Holidays.
Bank Holiday Monday, 28th May : Zumba Fitness, Newport Pagnell Youth Club, 6.15 pm - NOT RUNNING - classes don't run at the Youth Club on Bank Holidays.
April 2018 :
Easter Monday, 2nd April :
- Zumba Fitness, Newport Pagnell Youth Club, 6.15 pm - NOT RUNNING - classes don't run at the Youth Club on Bank Holidays.
Thursday 5th April :
- Zumba Fitness, Wolverton Pool & Gym, 6.00 pm - NOT RUNNING - gym refurbishment, gym closed all day.
Easter Weekend 2018 :
Most classes continue through the school Easter holidays, only 2 aren't running as shown below :
Good Friday 30th March :
- Zumba Gold, Middleton Pool , 10 am - RUNNING - with another instructor; the lovely Jane
- Zumba Fitness, GYM MK, 6 pm - NOT RUNNING - no classes are running at GYM MK over the Easter weekend
Easter Saturday, 31st March :
- Zumba Fitness, Freedom Fitness, 10 am - RUNNING - with another instructor; crazy Gemma
Easter Monday, 2nd April :
- Zumba Fitness, Newport Pagnell Youth Club, 6.15 pm - NOT RUNNING - classes don't run at the Youth Club on Bank Holidays.
March 2018 :
CANCELLED : ZUMBA fitness, 6pm 2nd March - GYM MK (Stantonbury Leisure Centre). The gym is closed due to the current weather conditions.
CANCELLED : ZUMBA GOLD, 10am, 2nd March - Middleton Pool & Fitness Centre. The gym have cancelled the class due to the weather conditions.
January 2018 :
*TWO NEW CLASSES* - ZUMBA fitness & ZUMBA gold start at Middleton Swimming and Fitness Centre, Newport Pagnell.
ALL classes start running again from January 2nd, with the first class of the year being : ZUMBA fitness, 6.45-7.45 pm Tuesday 2nd January 2018 @ Middleton Swimming and Fitness Centre.
ZUMBA gold : 45 mins low intensity, low impact, slower & easier choreography | |||||
Wednesday | 11:15 | 45 mins | ZUMBA gold + cuppa | low intensity | Green Park Community Centre, Newport Pagnell, MK16 0NH |
Thursday | 10:30 | 45 mins | ZUMBA gold + cuppa | low intensity | GYM MK, Stantonbury Leisure Centre, Milton Keynes, MK14 6BN |
Friday *NEW* | 10:00 | 45 mins | ZUMBA gold + cuppa | low intensity | Middleton Pool & Fitness Centre, Newport Pagnell, MK16 9BG |
ZUMBA fitness : 45 - 60 mins, medium - high intensity | |||||
Monday | 18:15 | 1 hour | ZUMBA fitness | medium - high | Newport Pagnell Youth Club, Wolverton Road, Newport Pagnell, MK16 8HX |
18:45 | 1 hour | ZUMBA fitness | medium - high | Middleton Pool & Fitness Centre, Newport Pagnell, MK16 9BG | |
Wednesday | 18:45 | 1 hour | ZUMBA fitness | medium - high | Lovat Hall, Silver Street, Newport Pagnell, MK16 0EJ |
Thursday | 18:00 | 45 mins | ZUMBA fitness | medium - high | Wolverton Swimming and Fitness Centre, Milton Keynes, MK12 5GH |
Friday | 18:00 | 1 hour | ZUMBA fitness | medium - high | GYM MK, Stantonbury Leisure Centre, Milton Keynes, MK14 6BN |
Saturday | 10:00 | 1 hour | ZUMBA fitness | medium - high | Freedom Fitness, Willen Lake, Milton Keynes, MK15 0DS |

December 2017 :
1st - 18th | All classes running as normal | |
18th Mon | running | 6.15-7.15 pm, Zumba fitness, Newport Pagnell Youth Club |
19th Tues - 20th Wed | no classes | |
21st Thurs | running | 10.30-11.15 am, Zumba gold, GYM MK, Stantonbury Leisure Centre |
running | 6-6.45 pm, Zumba fitness, Wolverton Swimming & Fitness Centre | |
22nd Fri | running (cover instructor) | 6-7 pm, Zumba fitness, GYM MK, Stantonbury Leisure Centre |
23rd Sat | running (cover instructor) | 10-10.45 am, Zumba fitness, Freedom Fitness, Willen Lake |
24th Sun - 27th Wed | no classes | |
28th Thurs | running | 6-6.45 pm, Zumba fitness, Wolverton Swimming & Fitness Centre |
29th Friday | no classes | |
30th Saturday | running | 10-11 am, Zumba fitness, Freedom Fitness, Willen Lake |
New Year's Eve & New Year's Day |
no classes | |
New class @ Middleton Pool & Gym in Newport Pagnell kicks off on Tuesday 2nd January 2018, 6.45pm. | ||
Tues, 2nd January, 2018 | running *** NEW CLASS *** | 6.45 - 7.45 pm, Zumba fitness, Middleton Pool & Gym, Newport Pagnell |
3rd January 2018 onwards | Classes continue to run as normal, check out the Zumba Classes page. |
Saturday 9th December 5-7pm - I've volunteered to be the 1st guest on Mark Lombardo's NEW RADIO SHOW - coming to you directly from Newport Pagnell! I'll be interviewing the host himself as well as chatting about ZUMBA and what's happening in Newport Pagnell. My son Chase will be chatting about the town from a 9 year old's point of view and we'll be listening to some music from the charts :D
CHAT N' CHARTS - Want to know what goes on in our lovely town of Newport Pagnell while listening to predominantly top forty songs? Then join Mark Lombardo, on his Chat'n'Charts show where you get exactly that. A mixture of live guests and top forty hits all in one show! 5-7pm Saturdays.
No need to 'tune in', it's internet radio! - head over to : crmk.co.uk
November 2017 :
** MORE NEW CLASSES ** - check out the Zumba Classes tab above for full details, or see below :
ZUMBA gold : Thursday 10.30 - 11.15 am - GYM MK, Stantonbury Leisure Centre. Join us for a low impact, low intensity version of ZUMBA at GYM MK, Stantonbury Arts & Leisure Centre every Thursday at 10.30 am. The class runs for 45 minutes, then we have a cuppa in the Art Gallery above the Theatre - fitness & culture in one outing :D
ZUMBA fitness : Thursday 6 - 6.45 pm - Wolverton Swimming & Fitness Centre. All the crazy fun of ZUMBA fitness in a large mirrored studio.
October 2017 :
Classes NOT running this month :
Tuesday 10th & 31st October - Freedom Fitness @ Mercedes (private corporate class) - conference room unavailable due to events.
** NEW CLASS - ZUMBA GOLD ** : Wednesdays 11.15 am, Green Park Community Centre, Green Park Drive, Newport Pagnell, MK16 0NH. 45 minutes plus a cuppa. Starts Wednesday 4th October. This is an easier, low intensity class geared towards beginners, the older generation and people new to exercise.
TIME CHANGE - Zumba Gold is now at 11.15 am on Wednesdays! We are now starting the class at a slightly later time, to allow the hall hirer before enough time to vacate the premises. This gives me enough time to get in and take the register and for you ladies to have a few minutes catch up, before we start the actual class at 11.15am. I'll be there every week at 11am. We'll still have a cup of tea & coffee afterwards :)
August 2017 :
Classes NOT running this month :
Saturday 12th August - Freedom Fitness. I'm unavailable and most participants and cover instructors are away on holiday, so we decided to cancel the class just this once.
Wednesday 16th August - Lovat Hall closed for their annual event. So we are going for a curry in Newport Pagnell @ 7pm - let me kow if you want to join us.
Monday 28th August - Bank Holiday Monday - Newport Pagnell Youth Club - no class on a public holiday.
Tuesday 29th August - NCI - day after a public holiday - no class.
Tuesday 29th August - Freedom Fitness @ Mercedes (private corporate class) - day after a public holiday - no class.
July 2017 :
ANOTHER NEW CLASS - Saturdays (starting 15th July 2017) 10.00-11.00 am : Freedom Fitness (part of Freedom Leisure) @ Willen Lake, Milton Keynes. Pay As You Go's are welcome, please note parking charges do apply, but the class rates are cheap and make up for it.
June 2017 :
NEW CLASS - Mondays 6.15-7.15pm : Newport Pagnell Youth Club, Wolverton Road, Newport Pagnell, MK16 8HX in a large hall with free car park.
May 2017 :
New classes will be announced soon ... watch this space! I'm still in talks with a couple of interested parties and should have some more classes running by June. The current class timetable can be seen by hitting the 'ZUMBA Fitness Classes' tab above.
2nd May & 30th May - Classes at NCI are not running on the mornings after the Bank Holidays.
April 2017 :
Easter Break - The last class before Easter is Wednesday 12th April at Lovat Hall, we then break for a long Easter weekend. Classes start running again from Wednesday 19th April at Lovat Hall.
Monday evening and Saturday morning classes no longer running - the ladies only gym in Newport Pagnell has closed it doors, more specifically the new owners and landlord could not agree to the terms of the new tenancy agreement. So Monday evening and Saturday morning classes are no longer for the time being. I'm investigating the possibility of new classes, so please check back at the end of April / beginning of May.
It's so sad, I'd just been offered a new Thursday evening class there, on top of the two popular classes I was already running, but alas it was not to be. It's broken apart a lovely local community of nearly 200 ladies (I will miss those of you I met), plus 3 local residents have lost work. That little gym meant a lot to me.... I participated in my first ever Zumba class many years ago at that very gym, funnily enough I thought it was a bit weird, I didn't get the whoop whoop thing... but I persevered and tried more classes and then it clicked...and I was totally hooked! Thus my Zumba journey began and I then went on to participate in 2-3 classes a week. I tried pretty much every other class out there, but nothing was as great as Zumba fitness...then I decided I loved it so much, I wanted to teach the classes. So eventually, over 3 years ago, I started my first ever Zumba class in Lovat Hall with 5 friends, then in May I opened out the class to the public.... arghhhh ... it was crazy...what was I doing ??!!** Then, a friend said she wanted to do my classes twice a week, so I decided to start another class in North Crawley Village.... and the story continues..... I'm still at Lovat Hall and NCI in North Crawley Village and I'm also teaching on a Friday night at GYM MK Stantonbury Leisure Centre :)
New classes - With regard to the above I am investigating the possibility of new classes and hope to have some new classes running in May 2017. Please check back at the end of April beginning of May.
March 2017 :
11th March - Temporary phone number for energie for women, Newport Pagnell is : 07391-217713. This will revert back to the old number within a week or so and I will update you here. Use this number to secure your place in my Zumba Fitness classes on Monday 6pm and Saturday 9.30am. You don't need to book for my classes elsewhere.
2nd March - The Cubs at Broughton in Milton Keynes, invited me along to show them some Zumba Fitness. I quizzed them about fitness and we had fun trying out some tracks.

February 2017 :
February 4th Saturday 2017 - *Social Evening with buffet* - Swap and upgrade your unwanted Christmas gift (optional) at our social night, 7pm+ NPTFC (Newport Pagnell Town Football Club on Willen Road). Tickets for sale in classes, available in advance for £4, or on the night for £6.
January 2017 :
All classes restart on Wednesday 4th January 2017 - Let's kickstart the New Year! Increasing our health & fitness with smiles and giggles :D Beginners & all abilities welcome! Ages 12*-80 (*ages 12-15 years allowed in community classes with an adult, classes in gyms are for ages 16+).
December 2016 :
All classes up and running until (and including) Tuesday 20th December 2016.
No classes run between Wednesday 21st December and Tuesday 3rd January.
All classes restart on Wednesday 4th January 2017.
November 2016 :
Monday 28th November - CHRISTMAS DRINKIES - Yes, it's that time again! For the 3rd year running, we're back at The Plough pub in Newport Pagnell. I asked you what you wanted to do and the resounding response was to do what we always do... because it's fun, a great way to mingle and catch up with class mates and it's cheap... just bring a healthy or naughty snack or sweet treat, £1 to play the charity game and a wrapped £1 Secret Santa present. The pub quiz is back, with party game rounds - prizes for everyone on the winning team! Instead of the normal free raffle, Mary & Cheryl are running the backwards raffle, which is free to join in (thank you Mary & Cheryl for offering to run this and for providing prizes) - rules will be revealed on the night....hopefully there will be no tears, unless it's crying from laughing too much! We are also running the charity heads & tails game, with 2 prizes up for grabs (everyone plays and your £1 will go to local charity Willen Hospice). No Zumba gear is required! Enter the pub, go through the left hand door, you will be given a number on entry - keep it safe, this number will be used throughout the night :D
19th November 2016 - Saturday energie - Class cancelled as the gym is closed due to a national energie event.
October 2016 :
Wednesday 26th - Lovat Hall - Class cancelled. The floor in the hall is being refurbished (stripped and re-varnished) and the hall will be unavailable for a week. Instead we plan to do a social event, please let me know if you have a great idea. Once decided the details will be published on facebook, in the newsletter and up here.
SOCIAL EVENT - Wednesday October 26th - £10 Curry Night at Moza!
September 2016 :
All classes are running as normal.
Sunday 18th September - Charity ZUMBATHON - The Zumbathon in aid of Willen Hospice is on the morning of Sunday 18th September in Central Milton Keynes. Held in Middleton Hall (in front of John Lewis) in centre:mk, before the shops open for business... 9 - 11am. £10 if you book in advance online (or I'm selling tickets in all of my classes) : www.willen-hospice.org.uk/get-involved/events/zumbathon
August 2016 :Class cancellations, cover & alternatives :
Friday 12th & 19th August - Another instructor is covering my Zumba Fitness class at GYM MK just for these 2 sessions.
Saturday 13th & 20th August - Marine @ énergie is running Legs, Bums & Tums.
Wednesday 17th August - Lovat Hall class cancelled, as the hall is being used by the Church, we will do a social event on this night instead.
Tuesday 30th August - NCI class not running (classes do not run at NCI the day following a Bank Holiday Monday).
CHINESE FRESH BUFFET - Wednesday 17th August - Imperial Garden, Newport Pagnell £17.50. Meet in the Plough Pub garden 6pm.
July 2016 :
Saturday 16th July - Zumba Fitness demo at the Willen Hospice Midnight Moo.
Class cancellations, cover & alternatives :
Friday 8th July - Another instructor is taking my Zumba Fitness class at GYM MK just for this session.
Saturday 9th July - My class at énergie is being replaced by Legs, Bums & Tums just for this session.
Wednesday 13th July - Lovat Hall class cancelled, as the hall is being used by the Church, so it's £10 curry night instead.
CURRY NIGHT - Wednesday 13th July - £10 @ Moza, Newport Pagnell, 7pm.
June 2016 :
All classes running as normal and no special events this month.
May 2016 :
North Crawley Institute (NCI), there are no classes on a Tuesday following a Bank Holiday Monday, so there is no class on Tuesday 3rd or Tuesday 31st of May.
Thank you Florence, for coming to talk to us about the charity Midnight Moo Walk in Milton Keynes. The 10 mile women only walk raising funds for Willen Hospice takes place on July 16th 2016. Some of the Zumba ladies are doing the walk, so please ask them or me for more information and/or pick up a leaflet in class.
April 2016 :
Sunday 22nd : The Beavers, Cubs & Scouts from the Milton Keynes District invited me to join in with their St. George's Day celebrations. After they marched through the centre of Milton Keynes there were a number of performances in Campbell Park. With the help of some of the leaders and the Mayor of Milton Keynes, we got them bouncing along to 3 Zumba tracks! It was crazy, so many of them joined in! Thank you for the invite!
The Monday morning class at North Crawley Institute has been moved to a Tuesday morning. The Tuesday morning class will not run following a Bank Holiday Monday, but will continue to run throughout the school holidays. The first class on a Tuesday starts on the 5th April 2016.
March 2016 :
Big Thank You! to everyone that donated to Willen Hospice during Blue Week.
The following classes are NOT running over Easter weekend (all other classes are running as per usual):
Good Friday 24th- GYM MK, Stantonbury :6-7pm CLOSED
Saturday 25th - energie for Women :9.30am CLOSED
Bank Holiday Monday 28th - North Crawley Institute :9.30am & energie for Women, Newport Pagnell :6pm CLOSED
February 2016
No class on Monday 15th February @ NCI, North Crawley Village.
All other classes continue throughout the school half-term holidays
* new class * - on Fridays, 6-7pm, GYM MK (Stantonbury Leisure Centre, Milton Keynes).
Thank you to the 5th Newport Pagnell Cub Scouts for inviting me to introduce you all to ZUMBA. We had lots of fun - the bow & arrow, stomping and boxing moves were the most popular :) We also talked about hydration, sweating and the importance of warming up and cooling down.
ALL classes start up again on Monday 4th January.
Free raffle, party games, quiz.nibbles & �1 secret santa (both provided by guests)
January 2015 :
'Zumba with Maddi' will soon be running 1 or 2 additional classes in Newport Pagnell. Please keep checking back for updates.
Current classes are detailed here : Zumba classes with Maddi
April 2014 :
Wednesday Evening classes are in Newport Pagnell, just outside of Milton Keynes. The hall is huge, everyone in the class is lovely and there is still plenty of space. Click this link for more details : Zumba classes with Maddi